You can support life by sponsoring Fr. Cesar in the 24th Annual Life Walk. Your participation helps Tulare-Kings Right to Life continue its mission of protecting life at all stages from birth to natural death by providing resources that educate people on the truth of abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, stem-cell research as well as providing outreach services for those seeking alternative solutions to abortion and counseling to those in need.
We are all well aware that the right to life is a fundamental right and not a political issue. As Catholics, we are compelled to support life at all stages and to protect the most vulnerable members of our society. For more information on the work of TKRL, go to their website at www.tkrl.org.
Good Shepherd Catholic Parish sponsors its own Pro-Life ministry which always welcomes new members. For more information, contact the parish office.
Please come by the parish office to make your pledge to sponsor Fr. Cesar. TKRL will bill those who make pledges after the walk takes place.