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Directory of Ministries

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Adoracion Nocturna – The members of this long-standing ministry at Holy Family Church for Spanish-speaking and/or bilingual parishioners, pray in Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, which is made available following the 6pm Saturday Vigil Mass until 10pm.  In August, they host an annual Anniversary Celebration at Holy Family Church for new and continuing members, their families, and guests.  Contact Olga Gomez (559) 827-2229 


Los miembros de este ministerio de larga data en la Iglesia de la Sagrada Familia para feligreses de habla hispana o bilingües oran en Adoración ante el Santísimo Sacramento, mientras este está disponible después de la Misa de Vigilia del sábado a las 6 p.m. hasta las 10 p.m. En agosto, organizan una Celebración anual de aniversario en la Iglesia de la Sagrada Familia para miembros nuevos y antiguos, sus familias e invitados. Contacto: Olga Gomez (559) 827-2229


Adult Bible Study -This parish-wide Bible Study offers morning sessions (10am -noon) and  evening sessions (7pm – 9pm) in English at the Parish Center on several Thursdays from September through April.  Pre-registration is required. Contact:  Melissa Dimas (559) 741-3776 or email


Altar & Rosary Society (ARS) – This ministry bonds its members in service, prayer, charity, and fellowship.  Active members assist with the cleaning of the sanctuary at St Mary’s Church on Saturday mornings and at St. Charles Church on Friday mornings.   Several members also launder and care for the sacred linens, cloths, and liturgical garments.  With annual dues, the generous stewardship of its members, and an occasional Bunco fundraiser, the ministry helps to purchase liturgical items for the Parish and supports parish events and activities.  Contact:  Anna Rodriguez (559) 334-4734 or email


Annulment Support Ministry - This ministry offers educational opportunities for those with questions about the annulment process, with ministry facilitators offering emotional and spiritual support to those petitioning the Tribunal for an annulment.   Meetings are announced in the parish bulletin for those requesting assistance or interested in becoming a facilitator for our parish.  Contact: Joe Tejeda (559) 303-9647 or email




Bereavement Ministry – This ministry offers spiritual support for parishioners and their families who are experiencing the loss of a loved one.   Facilitators are available to assist with the Rosary Services for the deceased and coordinate the offering of Memorial Candles for our recently departed during a monthly Sunday Mass, which family members are invited to attend.  Parishioners wishing to learn more about becoming grief-support facilitators should contact Veronica Vera (559) 967-0806 or email 


Bethlehem Center - The Bethlehem Center is a mission of the Good Shepherd Catholic Parish in Visalia dedicated to provide food and clothing to those in need in an atmosphere of dignity and respect. Meals are served in our dining hall 7 days a week 365 day a year. Pantry food is also offered daily as is our resource center and intake office. Contact: Bethlehem Center, Anna Hernandez (559) 734-1572 or email


Boy Scouts -  Boy Scout Troop #321 was chartered by our Parish in 2004 and is open to young men ages 11 to 18 years.  They have regular troop meetings on Sundays 5:00pm-6:30pm at Holy Family's Community Center.  With their merit badge system, young men can earn promotions toward becoming an Eagle Scout.  Members are involved with service projects throughout our parish and community and participate in adventure activities with the assistance of dues, fees, and fundraisers. Contact: Benny Aquirre (559) 805-4823 or email




Catholic Daughters of America (CDA) - This fraternal, international organization of Catholic women (age 18 and over) focuses on service, Marian devotion, fellowship, and support of vocations.  They participate in community endeavors and support many parish activities and events.  They meet on the 1st Monday of most months and host several events each year (an Annual Tea in November, 2 Bunco events, and an Anniversary Luncheon). Contact: Patti Cornelius (559) 733-2454 or email


Catholic Professional & Business Club (CPBC) or Catholic Brrakfast Club - This organization of Catholic professionals and business owners in the Tulare and Kings County hosts several guest speakers throughout the year at breakfast meetings held at the Wyndham Hotel from 7am - 8:30am on the 2nd Thursday of the month (September – June).   Their gatherings offer an opportunity for members, non-members, and their guests to network and listen to a professional speaker on topics which promotes Catholic values and ethics in all areas of one’s life.   Annual Membership dues and reservations are needed for breakfast meetings.  Contact Eileen Daly (559) 805-7008 or visit their website for details.  Attendance is available to non-members for a nominal fee.  Contact: Bill Goodreau (559) 679-3961 or email


Catholic Women’s Guild - This ministry promotes and provides religious, educational, cultural, and charitable activities for the women of the parish.  They meet regularly and have an annual Membership Drive. Members are encouraged to select a smaller "circle of interest", in which to engage and develop fellowship:  a Craft Circle, Prayer Circle, Sewing Circle (making bonnets for newly baptized infants), and a Prayer Blanket Circle (making small blankets for others suffering an illness or undergoing medical treatment).  They host an annual weekend retreat at St Anthony's in September for members. Contact: Irene Mosqueda (559) 740-8415 or email 


Christopher’s – This ministry administers Holy Communion to the sick, homebound, and to those who cannot physically attend mass.  If you have a friend or family member in one of these situations and would like to receive Communion at home, please contact the Parish Office at (559) 734-9522.  Outreach to Kaweah Delta and other facilities will resume as current restrictions are lifted.  With the large demand to take Communion to so many, there is a need for additional Christophers. This is a very rewarding ministry, not only for those receiving the Eucharist, but also for those who take it.  The time commitment depends on each Christopher’s schedule.  Contact: Paul Marquez  (559) 730-6233 or email  


Este ministerio administra la Sagrada Comunión a los enfermos, a los que están confinados en casa y a aquellos que no pueden asistir físicamente a Misa. Si tiene un amigo o familiar en una de estas situaciones y le gustaría recibir la Comunión en casa, comuníquese con la Oficina parroquial al (559) 734-9522. La participación en Kaweah Delta y otros centros se reanudará a medida que se levanten las restricciones actuales. Con la gran demanda de llevar la Comunión a tantas personas, se necesitan más Christophers. Este es un ministerio muy gratificante, no sólo para aquellos que reciben la Eucaristía, sino también para aquellos que la administran. El compromiso de tiempo depende del horario de cada Christopher. Contacto: Paul Marquez (559)730-6233; correo electrónico: 


Confirmation – A two year program of catechesis for high school students, preparing them for the Sacrament of Confirmation and encouraging them on their continued journey of faith.  Contact: Ana Navarro, Director  (559)733-3929 or email


Cursillo - This apostolic movement is currently available to our bilingual and Spanish-speaking parishioners and is recognized by the Roman Catholic Church and supported by our diocese.   Founded in Majorca, Spain in 1944 as a training technique for Christian leaders, its presence has spread to several additional Christian churches.  The experiences of its members bear witness of what it means to live as a Christian in all aspects of their lives. Contact: Luz Magaly Cristobal (559) 381-4313 or email  


Este movimiento apostólico está actualmente disponible para nuestros feligreses bilingües y de habla hispana; es reconocido por la Iglesia Católica Romana y apoyado por nuestra diócesis. Fundado en Mallorca, España, en 1944 como una técnica de entrenamiento para líderes cristianos, su presencia se ha extendido a varias iglesias cristianas adicionales. Las experiencias de sus miembros dan testimonio de lo que significa vivir como cristiano en todos los aspectos de sus vidas. Contacto: Luz Magaly Cristobal (559) 381-4313; correo electrónico:  




Detention Ministry -   Members of this ministry make regular visits to the Juvenile Detention Center, local jail and area Prisons sharing Christ's love and grace to the incarcerated.  They offer prayer and fellowship and communicate with the clergy any special sacramental requests the inmates might have.  Contact: Ruthanne Parlier in the Parish Office (559) 734-9522


Dominicans Lay Chapter (St Hyacinth) - This international order of lay religious men and women follows the teachings of the Dominican saints and study the Catechism, as a community.  Through daily observances, contemplative prayer and study, their aim is the sanctification of the soul.  They meet regularly and host formation instruction for new members.  Contact: Arlene Vianello (559) 799-7526 or email




Encuentro Matrimonial Mundail – This ministry is the Worldwide Marriage Encounter for Spanish-speaking parishioners, offering community support for couples desiring improvements in their marriages.  Through a series of presentations, learned communication skills and self-examination of attitudes and behaviors, participants deepen their intimacy and faith by exploring their relationships with their spouses and God.  Contact: Fermin and Maria Flor Rico 559 805-3310 or email:


Este ministerio es el Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial para feligreses de habla hispana y ofrece apoyo comunitario a las parejas que desean ver mejoras en sus matrimonios. A través de una serie de presentaciones, habilidades de comunicación aprendidas y el autoexamen de actitudes y comportamientos, los participantes profundizan su intimidad y fe al explorar sus relaciones con su cónyuge y Dios. Contacto: Fermín y María Flor Rico (559) 805-3310; correo electrónico:


Eucharistic Adoration - The Sacred Heart Adoration Chapel in St Mary's Church is available for all to pray before the Blessed Sacrament.  Devotees, members of ministries, and/or individual parishioners can be scheduled for an hour of prayer in the Chapel by contacting a coordinator.  To use the chapel freely, please register for admittance at the Parish Office.   On Thursdays only, Adoration is held at Holy Family Church.  Please refer to the bulletin for specific hours at each location.  Contact:  Lynn Garrison (805) 550-9581 or email  Spanish-speaking adorners please contact: Florentina Mata (559) 731-8924


Adoración Eucarística - La Capilla de Adoración del Sagrado Corazón en la Iglesia de Santa María está disponible para que todos oren ante el Santísimo Sacramento. Para inscribirse para una hora de oración en la Capilla, los devotos, los miembros de los ministerios o los feligreses individuales pueden contactar a un coordinador. Para usar la capilla libremente, por favor regístrese para la admisión en la Oficina parroquial. Solo los jueves, la Adoración se lleva a cabo en la Iglesia de la Sagrada Familia. Consulte el boletín para conocer las horas específicas en cada ubicación. Contacto: Lynn Garrison (805) 550-9581; correo electrónico:  Los adoradores de habla hispana por favor pónganse en contacto con Florentina Mata (559) 731-8924


Estudio de biblia en Español  - A Bible Study group for our Spanish-speaking parishioner.  Meetings are held on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 pm at the Serra Center.  No previous bible study experience is necessary.  Un grupo de estudio bíblico en español para la comunidad hispana. Las reuniones se llevan a cabo los martes por la noche de 6:30 a 8:30 pm en el Centro Serra. No se necesita experiencia previa en estudios bíblicos. Contacto: Rafael Martinez (559) 308-6038. 


Evangelization Retreats and Small Communities - With a focus on evangelization, scheduled retreats take place throughout the year for English and Spanish-speaking parishioners to develop and strengthen personal relationships with God. After the retreats, participants are encouraged to join small communities, creating ongoing fellowship, and inspiring them to become active members in our Parish. For English Retreats and Small Community information, contact Irene Mosqueda (559)740-8415 or email For Spanish Retreats and Small Community information contact: Alejandro Aguayo (559) 303-4633 or email


Retiros de evangelización y pequeñas comunidades - Con un enfoque en la evangelización, los retiros programados se llevan a cabo durante todo el año para que los feligreses de habla inglesa e hispana desarrollen y fortalezcan las relaciones personales con Dios. Después de los retiros, se alienta a los participantes a unirse a pequeñas comunidades, creando un compañerismo continuo e inspirándolos a convertirse en miembros activos de nuestra parroquia. Para los retiros en español e información sobre pequeñas comunidades, comuníquese con Alejandro Aguayo (559) 303-4633 o envíe un correo electrónico a Para obtener información sobre los Retiros y pequeñas comunidades en inglés, comuníquese con Irene Mosqueda (559) 740-8415 o envíe un correo electrónico a




Franciscans Secular Order - This international organization of lay religious men and women follows the Gospel of Christ. In the footprints of St Francis, members seek holiness through prayer, action, and promotion of the reign of God within the Franciscan Family, the Church, and the World.  For meeting times, contact John Paine (559) 627-2861 or email




George McCann School At George McCann Memorial Catholic School we instill in our students the importance of education as spiritual and intellectual preparation for the unique mission in life to which God calls each of us. We are a family of parents, students, educators and parishioners who strive to create a Catholic faith community through a quality education based on gospel values. Visit their website for more information:


The Gospels Bible Study – This free class is offered on Tuesdays at St Charles’ Main Hall from 7pm – 8:30pm.  With a strong emphasis on the Catholic faith, through a study of the Old and New Testament this leader-led class is great for those who want to learn without the burden of preparation.  Refreshment and food available.  Contact: Jerry deMelo (559) 960-3245 or email




Health Ministry - This ministry program works in coordination with the diocese to promotes the wellness of mind, body, and soul of parishioners and clergy; assisting all in making responsible and informed health choices which reflect the Catholic tradition.   They provide yearly BP checks during parish-wide events and provide classes and publish educational article on wellness and dealing with chronic disease through self- management.  Contact:  Emma Camarena (559) 624-2147 or email




Junior Catholic Daughters of America (JCDA) – This organization is open to Catholic girls age 6 - 18 years and is part of the fraternal court of Catholic Daughters of America at GSCP.   Through activities, service projects, works of charity, and faith development they aid to instill Catholic moral character in our young women.  They meet at Holy Family’s Hall several Sundays a month from 11:45pm – 2:00pm. (See bulletin/website for details) Contact:  Elaine Carrasco (559) 553-2450 or email




Knights of Columbus - An international, fraternal organization for Catholic men, over the age of 18. It promotes faith and fellowship among its members and their families, offers works of service and charity throughout the parish and community at large, and assists in public events where the Bishop is present.  Contact: Andrew Plein (559) 471-7308 or email




Lahu Community - A ministry for our Lahu community and their families; strengthening the cultural and traditional bonds and assisting them with involvement with parish life and spiritual growth for their members.   They host a celebration for their community for Thanksgiving and Christmas and invites the parishioners to join in their annual 3-day New Year Celebration, involving cultural music, dance, and prayers.  They also participate in parish-wide activities by providing cultural cuisine and/or preforming in their cultural dress for all to enjoy.  Contact: Korn Seechan (559) 909-8569 or email


Legion de Maria – This Marian prayer group for Spanish-speaking and bilingual parishioners, helps evangelize the community of St Thomas in Goshen.   Members participate in acts of charity for the sick and disadvantage and are encouraged to participate in the life of the Church through other ministries. Contact:  Maria Sanchez (559) 560-8254 or email 


Este grupo de oración mariana para feligreses de habla hispana y bilingües ayuda a evangelizar la comunidad de Santo Tomás en Goshen. Los miembros participan en actos de caridad por los enfermos y desfavorecidos y se les anima a participar en la vida de la Iglesia a través de otros ministerios. Contacto: Maria Sanchez (559) 560-8254; correo electrónico:


Liturgical Ministries – Learn more about liturgical ministries such as Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and more by visiting our Liturgical Ministries Webpage (Link to Contact: Patty Call (559) 734-9522 or email




Medjugorje Prayer Group - This prayer group meets on the 2nd Monday of every month in St Mary’s Church at 7pm. They follow the directives learned from Our Lady in Medjugorje; praying for peace, conversion, and intentions of members. Contact: Steve or Irene Perry (559) 302-0494 or email


Mensajeros de Cristo - A ministry for Spanish-speaking and/or bilingual parishioners and family members which shares God’s Word and provides live music and folkloric dance to clients in local assisted living and convalescent facilities on Saturday and/or Sunday. Contact:  Irma Rivera (559) 799-9930 or email


Este ministerio para feligreses de habla hispana o bilingües y miembros de la familia proporciona entretenimiento y evangeliza a los residentes de centros locales de vida asistida y centros de convalecencia al compartir la Palabra de Dios y proporcionar música en vivo y danza folclórica. Su acceso a los centros locales los sábados y domingos se reanudará una vez que se levanten las restricciones de visita actuales. Contacto: Irma Rivera (559) 205-3863; correo electrónico:


Military Ministry - This ministry prays and offers spiritual support to parishioners who have family members in the Armed Services. Call for more information.  Contact: Leonarda Aguilera (559) 723-3872


Ministerio Militar - Este ministerio ora y ofrece apoyo espiritual a los feligreses que tienen familiares en las Fuerzas Armadas. Llame para obtener más información. Contacto: Leonarda Aguilera (559) 723-3872.




Natural Family Planning - This is an ongoing educational ministry of the parish which provides Natural Family Planning for engaged couples.  Classes are generally held on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of most months in the Parish Center from 7:00pm – 9:00pm. Contact:  Isabel Valenzuela (559) 799-8930 or email




Our Lady of Fatima Committee - This ministry plans and organizes the annual parish-wide Fatima Celebration, in the tradition of honoring Our Lady’s apparition and message.  The week-long festivities include: nightly rosaries, (Monday - Friday at 7pm), a Candlelight Procession and Living Rosary on Saturday, and culminates with a parish-wide carnival, auction, and free lunch on Sunday.  All proceeds benefit George McCann School.   Committee meetings are held monthly (Jan- July and Oct - Nov) and weekly in August and September. Contact: Chris King (559) 967-4937 or email him at or contact Ruthanne Parlier (559) 734-9522 or email


Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) - This ministry celebrates the Filipino culture, heritage and rich traditions of devotion, prayer, and fellowship.  All are invited to attend their weekly devotion4-9522 and prayers to Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Wednesdays following the 12:15pm Mass.  Members host the Annual OLPH Celebration in June.  The Simbang Gabi Celebration in December, includes nightly rosaries with fellowship, prior to the annual Christmas Novena Mass.  Members participate in many parish events by providing cultural food and entertainment for all to enjoy, including cooking Filipino cuisine for the Bethlehem Center every 2nd Saturday of the month.  Quarterly meetings are held in March, June, September and December with additional meetings, as needed. Contact: Cres Pascua  (559) 303-8538 or email 


Our Lady’s Rosary Makers - This devotional ministry meets and trains parishioners how to make rosaries, which they provide free to many including: catechist, ministries, parishioners, the homeless, for retreats, and missionaries.  They host annual rosary sales at the various churches, which provides them funding for the materials needed for their mission’s work. Contact:  Patti Cornelius (559) 733-2454 or email




Prayer & Life Workshops - This Association, born within the Roman Catholic Church and approved by the diocese, fosters the prayer life of parishioners.  It offers a 15-week series, in English and Spanish, several times throughout the year, encouraging attendees to strive to carry out the apostolic lay service to their Parish.  Contact:  Angelina Romero (559)280-2353 or email 


Talleres de Oración y Vida - Esta asociación, nacida dentro de la Iglesia Católica Romana y aprobada por la diócesis, fomenta la vida de oración de los feligreses. Ofrece una serie de 15 semanas, en inglés y español, varias veces a lo largo del año, animando a los asistentes a esforzarse por llevar a cabo el servicio laico apostólico a su parroquia. Contacto: Angelina Romero (559)280-2353; correo electrónico:


Pro Life Ministry - This ministry promotes the basic principles of the Catholic teachings regarding the value and dignity of every human person, in that life is sacred and created in the image of God.  Members pray the 40 Days for Life Rosary at Fresno’s Planned Parenthood Clinic and help to promote and organize parish involvement for the One Walk LA bus trip. 




Renovación  Carismática Católica  - This ministry for Spanish-speaking and bilingual parishioners evangelizes the baptized through formation and testimony, strengthen their faith. They hold a weekly Praise Night on Wednesdays at Holy Family Hall.  Contact:  Eva Munoz de Orozco (559) 216-2173 or email Tony Hernandez at: 


Un ministerio para catequizar a individuos nativo hablantes o bilingües en español.  Se reúnen los miércoles en salon de Sagrada Familia de 6:30 – 9:00 p.m para alabar al Señor evangelizando con testimonios y alabanzas.  Cada reunión tiene su tema y reflexiones para meditar. Para más información hable con:  Eva Munoz de Orozco (559) 216-2173 o por correo electrónico Tony Hernández



Serra Club - This Tulare and Kings County organization follows Saint Junipero Serra, the great missionary and their patron, in promoting and fostering vocations to the priesthood and consecrated religious life.  Encouraging its members to further their catechesis to fulfilling their Christian vocation of service to others, monthly meetings on the 2nd Monday hosts guest speakers at 6pm in the Serra Center.  Members encourage participation in Adoration in praying for vocations and host an annual Golf Tournament and Annual Breakfast to raise funds for those studying for religious life.   They are involved with many service activities with our youth and help with the Annual Gathering of Priests & Religious in the Fall.  Contact:  Deacon Russ Bassett (559)734-9522 or email


St Joseph’s Christian Bookstore – This non-profit Christian Supply Store in Visalia offers books, CDs, hosts biannual sales at the parish and sells sacramental and spiritual gift items.   It is operated with the assistance of its own Board of Directors and is opened Monday – Saturday.  Volunteers from the parish and surrounding communities apply to help in this retail store.  Contact: Judy Ramage (559) 734-2691.




The Fold: A Community for Young Adults - This ministry is interested in building a community for young adults through age 35; offering fun, social gatherings in friendly settings; flexible to the schedules for young adults juggling their new careers, further studies, dating and new families....and a welcoming place for those returning to 'the fold'.  They also encourage service in other areas of the parish, as individual schedules allow.  Contact: Ricardo Garcia (559) 361-7822 or email


The Gospels Bible Study – This free class is offered on Tuesdays at St Charles’ Main Hall from 7pm – 8:30pm.  With a strong emphasis on the Catholic faith, through a study of the Old and New Testament this leader-led class is great for those who want to learn without the burden of preparation.  Refreshment and food available.  Contact: Jerry deMelo (559) 960-3245 or email




Widow & Widowers - A casual gathering of widows and widowers meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month at a selected restaurant for a meal and fellowship. Contact: Kitsy Murphy (559) 967-0383 or email 



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