Ministry of Presence
Ministering to the Flock
As Minster of Presence, priests and deacons focus on certain parish ministries, organizations, and outreach; offering support, prayer, and spiritual guidance by striving to make several pastoral visits during the year. Whether these visits are structured with a presentation on a specific topic or simply a brief visit to offer words of encouragement and support, both are instrumental in establishing personal contact with ministry leadership and members. Through this connection of cooperation, clergy can assist ministries in developing clearer goals in accomplishing their mission and purpose. Drawing on their own formation and spiritual journey leading to their ordination, the clergy may offer support from the point of view that is unique to their vocation.
Fr. Alex Chavez
Minister of Presence for Catholic Women’s Guild, Detention Ministry, Legion de Maria, Mensajeros de Cristo, Military Ministry, Widows & Widowers, The Fold.
Minister of Presence for Adult Confirmation (English), A Family of Faith, The Gospels Bible Study, RCIA, Vacation Bible School.
Minister of Presence for Portuguese community, Secular Franciscans, St. Hyacinth Dominican Lay Chapter, Our Lady of Fatima Celebration, Bethlehem Center.
Minister of Presence for Altar & Rosary Society, Knights of Columbus, Annulment Support, Bereavement Ministry, Christophers, Health Ministry, Boy Scouts & Cub Scouts, Adult Bible Studies, Catholic Daughters of America, Jr. Catholic Daughters of America; Chaplain for The Catholic School of Visalia, George McCann Memorial Campus.
Deacon Henry Medina
Minister of Presence for Ablaze, Guadalupe Communities, Lahu Community, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Medjugorje Prayer Group, Renovación Carismática Católica.
Minister of Presence for Adoracion Nocturna, Evangelization Retreats & Small Communities (English/Spanish), Liturgical Ministries, Music Ministries, Prayer & Life Workshop.
Deacon Gary Hunt
Minister of Presence for Eucharistic Adoration; Prayer Warriors, Pro-Life Ministry, Catechesis & Evangelization, Adoration St. Mary’s.
Minister of Presence for Evangelization Spanish, RICA, Estudio de Biblia, Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial.
Deacon Russ Bassett
Minister of Presence for Our Lady’s Rosary Makers, Soldier’s Rosary Makers, Catholic Professional & Business Club, Serra Club
Revised November 25, 2019