Support Ministry
Our Purpose
The Annulment Support Ministry provides information about the annulment process and supports those desiring to petition for the nullification of a previous marriage.
Who Is This Ministry For?
Persons with questions about Catholic teachings after a civil divorce
Anyone seeking information about the annulment process
Witnesses for those seeking annulments
Civilly married couples who would like their marriage “blessed” by the Church
Common Myths
It will make my children illegitimate
They will ask prying questions about my sex life
It costs too much
It's just a Catholic divorce
It takes too long
My ex-spouse will never agree to it
I'm excommunicated because I'm divorced without annulment
Only Catholic marriages need to be annulled
Whether you get one depends on who you know
If children were born in the marriage, it cannot be annulled
Annulments dredge up the past, causing undue pain for all involved
An annulment means the marriage never took place
Personal Healing
Unlike a civil divorce, the annulment process addresses the spiritual aspects of the breakup; allowing the petitioner to gain insights about themselves and their former spouse. True forgiveness and closure replace the anger and faultfinding prevalent in the divorce proceedings.
Freedom to Marry
For those considering remarriage, it is essential to begin the process, for without it, marriage in the Catholic Church in not possible. By waiting too long memories can fade and contact with an essential witness may be lost.
Access to the Sacraments
For those who have remarried outside the Catholic Church, a return to Christ in the Sacraments will provide a rebirth; offering a powerful experience of His love and mercy.
Some divorced Catholics may find it hard to consider applying for an annulment because of the belief from Sacred Scriptures about the permanence of marriage. Please come and learn more about the true sacramental nature of marriage and the provisions made in Canon Law that may show a marriage was actually not sacramentally valid.
Learn More
Informational Workshops
The Annulment Support Ministry hosts a workshop, clarifying several myths associated with divorce and the Church. In addition, follow-up support is available by ministry volunteers during the petitioning process.
Knowledgeable Volunteers
Our team of volunteers, serve as Support Facilitators, and we believe first-hand witnessing can be very helpful to the mission of the ministry. Having gone through the petitioning process themselves, they are better able to understand the tasks and emotions involved for both English and Spanish speaking individuals.
For more information contact:
Joe Tejeda (559) 303-9647
Ruthann Parlier in the Parish Office (559) 734-9522