Many of our parishioners learned at mass two Sundays ago that Father Eric was rushed up

to UCSF after learning of another brain tumor. He underwent surgery on Tuesday, July 24 to remove the tumor. He made it through the five-hour surgery tough as ever. Surgeons reported they were unable to remove the entire tumor.
By Wednesday, Fr. Eric was up walking around with the help of physical therapists in the hospital. He was making jokes and was in high spirits.
On Thursday, we learned he would be released from the hospital by the end of the week and will be moved to a rehabilitation facility.
We are so relieved to have Father Eric on the road to recovery! A special thank you to Fr. Cesar who has helped Fr. Eric through every step of this process and thank you to all of our clergy for doing all they can to shepherd our parish in our Pastor's absence. Thank you Lord for blessing us in so many ways.
Your continued prayers are greatly appreciated and we will continue to update you on his next steps.