I was born in the city of Morelia in the state of Michoacan in Mexico. I lived there from birth until I was 9. At that age we moved to California. We lived at first in the small town of Allensworth, then moved to Earlimart and finally Delano where my parents still live.
When we moved to California, we attended Our Lady of Guadalupe in Delano as Allensworth does not have a Catholic Church. Our Lady of Guadalupe is my home parish.
I say I understood and listened a lot more to what God is calling me to discern after fully participating in my Catholic Faith through different ministries in which the Eucharist is the focus; Lector at Mass, Altar server, preparing for the liturgies, and Nocturnal Eucharistic Adoration. None the less, as a child I would pretend to celebrate mass after going to Mass with my cousins. It might have been then but only God has the control of time.

In August, I began my sixth year of formation. I attended Juan Diego House now known as Queen of Angels Center for Priestly Formation in Los Angeles for four years of philosophy. I graduated from CSU Dominguez Hills majoring in philosophy with a minor in management. Last year, I transferred to St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif. For my theology courses. I will be starting my second year of theology with a total of four years including this year left before ordination, God willing.
I would like to serve God as a priest in whatever way and place God wants me to serve him. I have been around great human priests that have inspired me to work for all. I have learned a lot from my pastor in forming ministries that are balanced in spiritual and work when the work needs to be done. From visiting the sick in homes, hospitals or convalescent homes to truly living the sacrament they celebrate.
Many may not know that I am an introvert, however serving at the parish on weekends gives me the energy to continue studying and helps me de-stress in a way. I enjoy nature a lot. Spending time listening to the waves as the sun sets and into the night really brings me peace and joy in whatever situation may happen. I am also the first from my family to graduate from university. I am truly grateful for all the support from everyone from our diocese. I will continue to pray for everyone in our diocese and for an increase in vocations to religious life and the priesthood.
Please continue to pray for me. God bless.
This organization for Tulare and Kings County follows Saint Junipero Serra, the great missionary and their patron, in promoting and fostering vocations to the priesthood and consecrated religious life. They encourage their members with furthering their catechesis to fulfill their Christian vocation of service to others. They have monthly supper meetings on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:00pm in the Serra Center with guest speakers. They encourage the participation in 5:30pm Adoration and Benediction in praying for vocations on the 4th Monday of each month at St Mary’s Church and host an annual Golf Tournament in April and a Breakfast in May to raise funding for those studying for religious life.   They are involved with many service activities with our youth and help with the Annual Priest Gathering in the Fall. Contact: Deacon Rick Miller (559)734-9522 or email rmiller@gscparish.org