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Welcome To Our Parish!

We’re glad you’re here!


Good Shepherd Catholic Parish is a diverse and vibrant community of faith that offers many opportunities to enrich your spiritual life, serve those in need, educate your family, and most importantly, to belong. Whoever you are, no matter where you find yourself on the journey of faith, you are welcome and wanted here!


Please take time to discover for yourself an authentic and welcoming community that you can call home. Here are some ways to get started!

What to Expect


Good Shepherd Catholic Parish is a vibrant place to nurture and live out our faith together. We sincerely hope you will feel at home here as you make Good Shepherd YOUR parish!  While we welcome everyone regardless of where they are in the journey of life, we also want to provide well-defined expectations for your journey at Good Shepherd.


To fulfill our mission and build an engaged parish, we foster lasting, mutually-rewarding relationships with God, our parishioners, and the community.  By building engagement, we foster a sense of belonging within the parish that starts with the principles of “what we receive,” “what we give,” “do we belong,” and “how can we grow.”


What is expected of each member of
Good Shepherd Catholic Parish


The central focus of our worship is the Eucharist and celebration of the Sacraments. Our community is expected to attend Mass regularly, spend time in daily prayer, and to be people of sacred Scripture.   


The work of our parish depends on all of us and goes far beyond our pastor and parish staff alone. We convert spiritual energy into action through outreach and service, especially to those who have far less. We serve one another and our wider community in ministry following Catholic social teaching to care for and be present with others.


We seek opportunities to learn and grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and build our spiritual life by participating in retreats, workshops, faith-sharing communities, and pastoral care to the sick and needy. We support the faith formation of our youth.


We appreciate each other and take time to compassionately connect with our fellow parishioners and community. We invite others to enjoy our welcoming and diverse environment and offer hospitality and friendship. We pray for, comfort, and support members of the parish in times of need.


To support and grow our community, we give our time, talent, and treasure to the extent that we are able. God is generous with us, and we are called to be generous in return.


What members can expect from us


A Welcoming Place of Worship
All are welcome at Good Shepherd Catholic Parish where people can worship and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through active participation in liturgy, thought-provoking homilies, and inspirational music. We make every effort to permeate our parish life with hospitality and respect for the diversity of our community.

A Catalyst for Ministry and Service
We offer a variety of opportunities to be involved in ministry, build relationships, and make a difference in the world.

An Environment for Spiritual Formation
Our parish provides a safe environment to grow in faith through prayer, meditation, retreats, scripture reflection, faith sharing groups, and vibrant sacramental life.

Opportunities to Connect
We offer many opportunities for adults, young adults, and youth to connect, make friends, and have a joyful experience through worship, service opportunities, and community life events.

Prudent Stewardship of Resources
We strive to prudently manage our resources and give back responsibly to our community. Our financial condition is transparent.

Leadership Development
We promote the vocation and formation of ordained ministers, religious life, and strong lay leadership. Collaborative decision making processes include consulting with parish councils, volunteers, and other subject matter experts.

Fidelity to Catholic Doctrine
Our parish is faithful to the foundational teachings of the Church and the Gospel message.

Browse through our website!

If you have any questions or can’t find what you’re looking for, please feel free to get in touch with us! 


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Become a member!

We sincerely hope you feel at home here and want to make Good Shepherd YOUR parish! There are two easy ways to become a registered member. Fill out our online registration form or fill out the registration form located in the bulletin (first Sunday each month on the inside cover) and leave it in the collection basket at mass.


Register. Get involved!

Whether you’re interested in serving, connecting with others, worshipping, giving, or growing spiritually, we offer many opportunities for adults of all ages and youth to choose from. Let us know you would like to be a volunteer!


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