Great news- the www.safeandsacred-fresno.org website is working again. There may be very few users still affected by the glitch and if so, please contact Tech Support 1-888-804-9643 to get their account fixed.
Attn Ministry Leaders: We just received the following information from the diocesan office. If any of your ministry members are in the middle of updating their safe environment training please read this message:

"Unfortunately there is a glitch in the Safe and Sacred training program. I have been assured that getting this fixed is their top priority. As of now, only NEW users should start their training. The program is having issues with RETURNING users trying to complete their training. As of now, RETURNING users should NOT try to complete “Protecting Children in the 21st Century.” There is a message on the log in page regarding this matter. I apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience during this time. I will let you know as soon as I hear the issue has been resolved." For more information about Safe Environment training visit https://www.gscparish.com/safe-environment or email questions to Patty Call at pcall@gscparish.org.