March 6–April 21
ARS Sponsors “5,000 Rosaries for America”
Coming this Lenten Season to Good Shepherd Catholic Parish
In 2017, Matthew Kelly, noted Catholic author, speaker, and founder of the “Dynamic Catholic” movement, began a campaign called “5,000,000 Rosaries for America.” Looking back to the dreams of America’s Founding Fathers for freedom, equality, and lives full of happiness and opportunity, Matthew wrote:
“Amidst the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we have lost sight of this dream. Today in America, we have bigger houses, but smaller families; better technology, but worse connection; fully loaded cars, but empty churches; more education, but less common sense. We strive for peace, but violence is rampant. We have more kinds of food, but a greater spiritual hunger. We are quick to judge, but slow to love. We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. Something is wrong, isn't it? Something needs changing. One of the most effective ways we can change things is through prayer.”
Matthew Kelly asked people all over the country to join together in praying 5 million rosaries for America! He said “The rosary is an incredibly powerful prayer. It has the power to bring peace; the power to heal; the power to transform your life, the lives of your loved ones, your community, and our nation.”
People then pledged to pray the rosary. Whether pledging to pray one rosary or 100, together, all these prayers make a difference!
Watch for more information and a simple pledge form. Prayerfully consider making this Lenten commitment to yourself and to our parish.
Don’t just give something up this Lenten Season; pledge to get involved by praying the rosary!
Let’s pray for:
* Our leaders
* Our churches
* Our families
* Our children
* Our cities and neighborhoods
* Our schools
* Our troops
* Our peace officers, first-responders, and care givers
* Our hungry, lonely, and sick
The Rosary is an incredibly beautiful prayer, with the power to bring peace, to heal, to transform lives.
The Altar & Rosary Society is sponsoring a parish-wide campaign during the six weeks of Lent, challenging everyone to join in and make a positive difference by praying the rosary-for our nation and its leaders, our Church, our troops, peace officers and first-responders, our families, our schools, our hungry, lonely and sick.
Look for a simple pledge form (below). Prayerfully consider making this Lenten commitment. ARS members will collect, tally, and report on the number of pledges so all can see what we can accomplish together.
Let’s do something bold in our parish! Don’t just give something up this Lenten Season’; get involved in this awesome, awe-inspiring experience! Whether pledging to pray one rosary or 40, all these prayers make a difference because ….
For background information, Google: “5,000,000 Rosaries for America”
